“Should I ask Red Queen Bee to let
me join the Worker Bees” - Dwarf Bee wonders, “These old bees bring so little
nectar. They can’t finish the beehive by end of the summer”.
Dwarf Bee lurks out of her corner
hexagonal cell. She tumbled over couple of times on her way to Red Queen’s cell.
Thousand of bees are squeezed in the beehive. Beehive has expanded but not enough.
The summer season is short this time. Time is running out for Red Queen Bee to
finish the beehive and collect nectar to survive the harsh winter season.
“Red Queen, our nectar collection
is slow. You should do something, else we all will die in winters”-Dwarf bee
groused to Red Queen.
“Little Dwarf, go back to your cell.
Senior Worker Bees are industrious. We’ll have best beehive in all the land.
Our honey will be our pride” said Queen Bee.
“No Red Queen, we need young Worker
Bees. The old ones are slow. May I join them?”
“Little Dwarf, you are not a Worker
Bee. You are the future queen. I’ll soon get relived of my responsibilities.
You will then be endowed upon with the task to reproduce the next generation of
Dwarf Bee feels distraught. She
may never be able to help the Worker Bees. She finds Worker Bees busy in their daily
tasks. Worker Bees are hovering over larvae cells, possibly feeding larvae nectar
& honey. They are also spread all over the beehive walls to strengthen it
with wax. Dwarf Bee flies out of the beehive to check the progress.
“Dwarf Bee, this outside world snatches
away our honey, destroys our beehive. Worker Bees sacrifice their lives to safeguard
the beehive from these intruders” - Red Queen warned Dwarf Bee when little
Dwarf ventured outside once.
Little Dwarf’s curious nature nudges
her to explore the world outside. She never understood why intruders take their
honey; why Worker Bees sacrifice their lives?
She visibly remembered an
incident last summer. A senior Worker Bee alerted the beehive on an imminent
intruder attack. Worker Bees move outside and emitted high pitched buzz to shoo
the intruder away. The intruder came close and plunged his hands in the beehive.
The hive broke into two pieces. The end was near. The senior-most Worker Bee moved
in front to locate the intruder’s sensitive area near head. She needed to
attack with brute force. Stinging will be an ultimate act of sacrifice. She
moved up and down. Finally she attacked, stinging the intruder with brute force
and in the process breaking her sting & abdomen. The Worker Bee died.
“Dwarf Bee, come inside, Red
Queen is not buzzing. Is she no more?” – comes a voice from beehive.
Dwarf Bee flies toward the Queen
Bee cell. She is not moving. Dwarf Bee pulls her out. Queen’s sting is rolled
like a snail. Her wings are stuck with the body; her skin has turned brown from
sparkling red.
“Oh my Queen, who will guide us
now” – says sobbing Dwarf Bee.
“You will be our queen now, Dwarf
Little Dwarf is not little
anymore. Her coronation ceremony is
largest in the land. Queen Bees from other colonies arrive in herds to attend
the ceremony.
“Dwarf Queen, I apologize but I
think this beehive doesn’t suit your magnificent empire”- says Brown Queen, “You
should come to our land across the river. It’s safe and nectar is available in plenty”.
“But Red Queen’s memory is in
this land. How can we leave this beautiful land of ours? We’ll have the best
beehive and nectar in all the land. Our Worker Bees will fight each intruder. They
don’t shy away from sacrifices. No one can destroy our world” says proud Dwarf
Dwarf Queen is aware her beehive
is prone to intruders. They may again be attacked again this summer. Should she
swarm away from here? But this place has given her colony so much. Bee Workers happily
buzz over the farm nearby. They know each and every flower. These flowers are
so kind to offer their nectar.
“We will stay here and fulfill
the dreams of our late Red Queen. I want you all to double your effort. Get more
nectar and wax the beehive before winter arrives” - announces Queen Dwarf after
her coronation.
Few days
“Queen Dwarf,
we are under attack. Intruders are approaching beehive from all directions”
There was buzz
in the whole beehive. Dwarf Bee orders a group of 100 Bee workers to spread in
all directions and sting these intruders. Bees spread attack the enemy with
brute force. All of them died instantly.
Intruders are still
rushing towards the beehive. Their masks saved them from the stings. Dwarf Bee knows
the end is near. Enemy is better prepared this time. Was it a mistake to stay
“We can’t stay
here anymore. This may be our end but we will not accept the defeat. The fight
will go on.”
“Bee Land, Bee
pride” shouts the Worker Bees. It was a war cry. They were behind their Queen
Dwarf ready to sacrifice their lives for Bee pride.
“We are under
attack by four intruders. We’ll make their approach difficult. A group of 100
bees will attack each intruder. Half will buzz near their head. Half will
revolve around to distract them. This will slow them down”- strategizes Dwarf
Queen with her Workers.
“New Bee
batches to replace the old one if old ones die in the battle. We’ll not let
them have our land without a fight”
“Oh shit, these Bees. What do they eat?” - says
He still remembers
the Bee Sting last summer. He had to run away. This time he is covered fully to
survive the bee attack.
The first batch of
Bees buzz with high pitch near Simon’s face. He tries to slap them away
but hit himself & falls down.
“My kids love
natural honey. I can’t disappoint them this time”.
“John, move
fast. Burn a fire near the beehive” Simon shouted.
The smoke tranquil down
the bees. They feel dizzy and start to fall on the ground.
Dwarf Bee
decides to throw herself in the battle. Half of her army is dead. The other half
is struggling to stand upto enemy. She hovers near his body to sting him. Simon
throws her away and smudges down the whole beehive.
Dwarf Bee
could only watch the beehive turn into pieces. Her wings don’t have strength
to move her body. Her eyes are drooping. She sees Red Queen a little far
moving up towards the clouds. Dwarf Bee has no energy, no strength left. She
wants to sleep now.
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